
Oversee Oracle ERP Project Management for Financial Data in ERP Cloud

Oversee Oracle ERP Project Management for Financial Data in ERP Cloud

Create and update information simple, fast, and accurate with the More4apps Projects Module


With fully integrated, flexible Excel spreadsheets, users can manage Product Definitions, Demographics, Expenditures, Assets, and Resources where all data elements can be visible simultaneously for many projects at once. Therefore, simple changes for 100s of projects or tasks is completed in seconds.

Watch this short 3-minute video to see the Projects Module in action!

With the Projects Module, you can create and maintain:

  • Financial projects
  • Assets & assignments
  • Costs & cost adjustments
  • Financial plan resources assignments
  • Period phased non-phased budgets
  • Award budgets

Unlock Oracle’s Project Accounting with a Purpose-Built Solution

Integrated Excel spreadsheets following existing Oracle security make everything simpler and more streamlined. With More4apps, you can scroll through your entire dataset, identify where data is missing and make amendments in comfort.

See how you can spend less time updating data and more time focusing on key areas of projects when you get a personalized product demo.

More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox Projects Module Solution Sheet

Solution Sheet

Improving Oracle ERP Projects Data Processes in Excel

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More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox

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