Keep Oracle Projects up-to-date with Ease

It’s essential your team can accurately and efficiently load information for both minor and major changes. With standard Oracle forms, this can be slow, frustrating, and error-prone.

Slash time-consuming, manual data entry with easy-to-use, flexible Excel-based solutions from More4apps. Take charge of maintaining project headers, classifications, tasks, key team members, transaction controls, project assets and assignments, and more.

No matter how many projects you oversee, More4apps tools makes creating and updating information simple, fast, and accurate.

Check out our EBS and Cloud brochures and discover more about our Excel-based solutions!

Check out the Projects Module from the More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox.

Save countless hours setting up and maintaining Oracle Projects with the More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox.

Hear from one of our customers!

Spend Less Time Loading Data and More Time Managing Project Success

Project Creation & Updates

Quickly create and maintain projects, tasks, and other related information. Perform mass updates to single or multiple projects, shedding hours and even on days off manual data entry timeframes.
Data loading efficiency

Costs & Adjustments

Create pre-approved/unprocessed costs in both ERP systems. Now in Cloud ERP, you can perform cost adjustments, such as transfers from Excel, and submit and receive feedback from the import processes all within the Excel environment.

Budgets & Forecasts

Save time by building and editing budgets and forecasts in Excel. Conduct a what-if analysis before uploading directly from the spreadsheet.

Assets & Assignments

Download, create, update, and even delete assets and asset assignments. In EBS, dealing with UNASSIGNED asset lines is also quick and easy.
Oracle EBS - Create and Validate

Resource Lists

Efficiently maintain resource lists, especially those needed for non-centrally controlled lists from Excel.

Resource Assignments

Mass create, update, and delete resource assignments against tasks on the project work plan (EBS) and financial plan (Cloud ERP).


Create and maintain revenue and billing events against contract projects. Available now for EBS and coming soon for Cloud ERP.

Agreements & Funding (EBS)

Create and maintain agreements and funding lines all within the familiar Excel environment.
Data loading efficiency

Labor Cost Rates

Whether you maintain hundreds or thousands of labor cost rates, More4apps makes it simple to create, update, and delete rate information. Available now for EBS and coming soon for Cloud ERP.
Data cleansing

Project Contracts & Amend Contracts

Create and update your Project Contracts in bulk allowing you to keep your Projects in scope. Amend statuses, additional information, billing controls, parties & contracts, revenue & billing plans all on a single, flexible Excel spreadsheet.

Interested in trying our products?

Quickly and easily download them from the More4apps Community!

Create and update information simple, fast, and accurate.

Schedule a custom demonstration now!

What’s slowing down your project team?

Oracle’s data upload tools are notoriously complex, fragile, hard to use, and difficult to tailor to your needs.

The data management forms in Oracle are clunky and slow; therefore, they’re difficult and time-consuming to navigate. Whereas, the free Excel tools that are accessible lack key functionality, and building and maintaining your own can be risky and expensive.

 More4apps tools are proven, customizable Excel spreadsheet solutions that integrate directly with Oracle Projects.

Whether for conversion or business-as-usual purposes, More4apps software allows rapid data input and editing with instant validation, so work happens on time and error-free.

See it for yourself!

Find a solution that works for you. Request a  customized demonstration today!

Combine the power of Excel and Oracle to release staff from repetitive data tasks.

  • Download ERP data into Excel spreadsheets
  • Find and fix errors
  • Validate data
  • Upload data back into Oracle
  • Carry on with your day!
Capterra, the #1 destination for finding software and services, recognizes More4apps tools for Project Management as Best Value and Best Ease of use.

How does More4apps stack up to Oracle tools?

More4apps helps users upload data 90% quicker!

Two Solutions:Equally as Impactful

Accelerate your data loading processes with a suite of trusted and reliable, Excel-based solutions.

Read more in the EBS Toolbox and ERP Cloud Toolbox brochures!

Oracle Procure-to-Pay Processes Rely on Oracle products, like the More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox and EBS Toolbox.
Ease of use Ease of Use
  • Manage projects efficiently, with fast loading and easy data entry
  • Download existing projects, modify, and re-load as updates or new projects
  • Modify details as quickly as you can copy and paste
  • Use Excel workbooks with familiar, intuitive features
  • Run numerous what-if scenarios for budgets and forecasts
flexibility Flexibility
  • Adjust spreadsheet layouts easily to meet your needs
  • Easily complete ad hoc changes, including rapidly reassigning team members and tasks anytime
  • Manage various budget and plan types
  • Choose to approve/baseline or not when uploading your budget/forecast
scalability Scalability
  • Create and utilize re-usable templates to reduce data entry
  • Increase efficiency with automated processes and formulas
  • Perform mass updates, manipulate and reupload to Oracle in seconds
data accuracy Accuracy
  • Eliminate manual entry to reduce mistakes
  • Download and work with real-time project data
  • Validate your data before it loads into Oracle
  • Review processing errors row by row in Excel
More4apps is the smart choice for your team.
  • Stamp out multi version spreadsheets lurking on desktops with one source of data that can be updated quickly and easily.
  • Make your staff more efficient, saving time and money.
  • Raise data quality and accuracy while decreasing rework and costly errors.
  • Handle acquisitions and mergers more efficiently.
  • Increase staff engagement by swapping tedious data-entry with higher value work.
  • Empower employees to spend less time processing data and more time managing projects.
  • Improve your return on investment in Oracle projects.

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